Civil Association of Women "Duvanjke" is a non-governmental, non-partisan multinational organization that operates in Tomislavgrad since 2000 and we are the only organization in our district that deals with issues and problems of women and youth.
Our organization consists of 50 members from the villages and towns, of which 20 active members. As part of our regular activities, we have daily meetings, and providing psycho social one assist women and youth through roundtables and workshops. Through our monthly training activities has 20 women over the year and over 70 women around the local communities in the city and the countryside. Regularly visit the elderly and disabled who need help is extremely necessary as children with special needs
Also, our contribution to the community is evident through our project "Economic empowerment of women" through which we helped 12 women from Tomislavgrad and 4 women from Livno. For this year, we planned to continue working on projects in which they are intended: the fight against addiction, commitment to equality for women, training in English language, writing a CV and communication, development of a business plan. Since the association is funded by various donors and currently do not have any projects in the implementation of the question comes and survival of our organization, and the team implementing our mission and to help women, regardless of age, education or ethnicity into account the psycho - social or economic assistance.
Our organization consists of 50 members from the villages and towns, of which 20 active members. As part of our regular activities, we have daily meetings, and providing psycho social one assist women and youth through roundtables and workshops. Through our monthly training activities has 20 women over the year and over 70 women around the local communities in the city and the countryside. Regularly visit the elderly and disabled who need help is extremely necessary as children with special needs
Also, our contribution to the community is evident through our project "Economic empowerment of women" through which we helped 12 women from Tomislavgrad and 4 women from Livno. For this year, we planned to continue working on projects in which they are intended: the fight against addiction, commitment to equality for women, training in English language, writing a CV and communication, development of a business plan. Since the association is funded by various donors and currently do not have any projects in the implementation of the question comes and survival of our organization, and the team implementing our mission and to help women, regardless of age, education or ethnicity into account the psycho - social or economic assistance.
- Adresa
- Mijata Tomića bb, Tomislavgrad, BiH
- Telefon
- 034 353 847
- Fax
- 034 353 847
Najtraženiji poslovni subjekti u posljednjih 90 dana
ELEKTRO PROJEKT ČapljinaSVEUČILIŠTE U MOSTARU - VISOKA ZDRAVSTVENA ŠKOLAStarački dom Bijeljina - Dom za stare Bijeljina - Dom za stara lica BijeljinaEurofarm Centar p.z.u. - Poliklinika GoraždeRent-a-car CHAMPION MostarZlatar MEMAGIĆ ZenicaONIKS d.o.o. Klesarstvo NezirićZavod za javno zdravstvo Kantona SarajevoLovačka Oprema LOVAC MostarJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro Novi GradJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro TrnovoJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona SarajevoStomatološka Ordinacija Dr. Desanka BabićCentrotrans-Eurolines dd Sarajevo - P.J. Visoko - Autobuska stanicaJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro IlidžaUdruženje za zaštitu životinja Av-Mau SarajevoProdex d.o.o. ModričaMango s.t.r.Auto Buljan d.o.o.Yavuz Company doo - Proizvodnja PVC profila za stolariju
FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET PaleMotorex d.o.o. - Prodavnica br. 3 živinicePRIZMA Mikro MKO Mikro-kreditna organizacija Banja LukaAHMELJIĆ doo - Pogrebne usluge - SrebrenikStarački Dom SLAĐUR Bijeljina - Ustanova za starija licaADVISTA d.o.o. SarajevoEurofarm Centar p.z.u. - Poliklinika ILIDŽA SarajevoTonrad Elektronik doo Banja LukaZubna Ordinacija VERA ZvornikStomatološka Ordinacija Sammak dr. MustafaGIGA d.o.o. SarajevoCar Rental - Mietwagen - Iznajmljivanje auta - Rent a Car MostarCronix d.o.o. PJ GoraždeTuristička agencija Geaturs d.o.o.CEPELIN BL D.O.O. Banja LukaEurofarm Centar p.z.u. - Poliklinika BugojnoStarački dom Bihać - Dom za stare Bihać - Dom za stara lica BihaćALFI dooEurofarm Centar p.z.u. - Poliklinika VisokoJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro Vogošća
Servisne informacije / korisni i traženi subjekti
GLOBTOUR doo Međugorje-ČitlukAUTOBUSKA STANICA NevesinjePrivatna Poliklinika MEDICUS TešanjDOM ZDRAVLJA LjubuškiDom za Stare i iznemogle VILA-LA-VITA MostarPrecizna Mehanika SENČI - Servis pila i kosilica szrDOM TRADE D.O.O. Banja LukaLjekarska Ordinacija DR. ŠOVIĆ BijeljinaZ.U. Specijalistička Pedijatrijska Ambulanta DR. MILIŠIĆ Banja LukaSTOMATOLOŠKA ORDINACIJA SIMIĆ Banja LukaAutobuska Stanica SARAJEVOAUTOBUSKA STANICA - BILETARNICA Brčko
Autobuska Stanica BANJA LUKAPoliklinika MEDICA z.u.AUTOBUSKA STANICA Sanski MostKulturni centar Kralj FahdBIRO ZA ZAPOŠLJAVANJE SrebrenikPoljoprivredna Mehanizacija - Traktorski priključciAUTOBUSNA STANICA BihaćVETERINARSKA STANICA MostarZubna ordinacija DR ĆATIĆ BugojnoDOM ZDRAVLJA TravnikElektro Servis STATOR szr
Administracija - Državna služba i uprava
Advokati - Notari - Pravne i slične usluge
Agencije - Ambasade i konzulati
Arhitektonske usluge - Geodezija
Auto Moto - Auto Škole - Auto klubovi
Autoprevoznici - Tour operatori i agencije
Biotehnologija i farmacija - Apoteke
Consulting - Menadžment i upravljanje
Djeca i tinejdžeri - Vrtići i predškolski odgoj
Domaćinstvo - Namještaj
Ekonomija i finansije - Mikrokreditne org.
Elektrotehnika i mašinstvo
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Grafičke usluge i radnje - Foto i štampa
Grijanje - Klimatizacija - Izolacija
Hrana i piće - Pekarstvo - Fast Food
Informatika - Elektronika - Računari i oprema
Institucije - Zavodi - Ustanove
Komercijala - Trgovina - Vele i maloprodaja
Mašine - Alati i oprema
Mediji - Marketing i izdavaštvo - PR
Mladi - Udruženja i organizacije mladih
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Nevladine i neprofitne organizacije
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Poljoprivreda - Ribarstvo - Šumarstvo
Proizvodnja - Sirovine - Zanatstvo
Računovodstvo - Revizija
Socijalne usluge
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Telekomunikacije i saobraćaj
Transport - Skladištenje i logistika
Turizam - Hoteli i apartmani - Agencije
Ugostiteljstvo - Restorani - Kafići i diskoteke
Umjetnost - Kultura - Moda i dizajn
Zdravstvo - Klinike - Ordinacije