normal arhitektura is an architecture office led by two founding partners:
Muhamed Serdarevic and Emir Salkic. Partners are graduated from Architectural Faculty, University of Sarajevo with experience of exchange/visiting students at ETSAB Barcelona, TU Graz, TU Munich, TU Delft, Horta University Bruxeless, Bauhaus Dessau.
normal arhitektura was established in 2001, in atmosphere of Bosnian post-war political and economic market transition. Lack of investments and low interest for design in years that come right after the war, as well as need to expore and feel how far did technology and architectural practice reach inspired us to visit workshops, seminars, exhibitions and lectures across the universities and offices in Europe.
Few successfully completed outsourcing co-operations with some offices in Europe lead us in to many other engagements of offering an outsourcing suport from visualiastion and presentation (3D rendering, video clips) to co-operations based on implementation of contemporar know-how in to projects, design, and construction proceses that beside Europe took place in Africa, Midle-east, South and North Asia region.
normal arhitektura partners share experience as lecturers at seminars all around Europe, with experience of teaching at Architectural Faculty, University of Sarajevo. Contribute as a Board members of EUROPAN BH and Association of Architects of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Our ability to collaborate across markets and disciplines in diferent parts of the world allows us to see the "big picture" and, because we approach design from so many different perspectives, gives us an unparalleled ability to innovate.
Clients come to normal arhitektura for extraordinary work developed through a highly collaborative process. The product supports each client's unique vision and framework of needs.
Great architecture shapes the human experience, improves the quality of the built environment and helps conserve the earth's resources. Our goal always is to cut through the complexity to make life easier and better for people.
To better meet our clients' needs, we have organized normal arhitektura into groups of market-based specialists. Our experience has demonstrated that increased collaboration among a brain trust of market experts leads directly to increased innovation and better projects.
Muhamed Serdarevic and Emir Salkic. Partners are graduated from Architectural Faculty, University of Sarajevo with experience of exchange/visiting students at ETSAB Barcelona, TU Graz, TU Munich, TU Delft, Horta University Bruxeless, Bauhaus Dessau.
normal arhitektura was established in 2001, in atmosphere of Bosnian post-war political and economic market transition. Lack of investments and low interest for design in years that come right after the war, as well as need to expore and feel how far did technology and architectural practice reach inspired us to visit workshops, seminars, exhibitions and lectures across the universities and offices in Europe.
Few successfully completed outsourcing co-operations with some offices in Europe lead us in to many other engagements of offering an outsourcing suport from visualiastion and presentation (3D rendering, video clips) to co-operations based on implementation of contemporar know-how in to projects, design, and construction proceses that beside Europe took place in Africa, Midle-east, South and North Asia region.
normal arhitektura partners share experience as lecturers at seminars all around Europe, with experience of teaching at Architectural Faculty, University of Sarajevo. Contribute as a Board members of EUROPAN BH and Association of Architects of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Our ability to collaborate across markets and disciplines in diferent parts of the world allows us to see the "big picture" and, because we approach design from so many different perspectives, gives us an unparalleled ability to innovate.
Clients come to normal arhitektura for extraordinary work developed through a highly collaborative process. The product supports each client's unique vision and framework of needs.
Great architecture shapes the human experience, improves the quality of the built environment and helps conserve the earth's resources. Our goal always is to cut through the complexity to make life easier and better for people.
To better meet our clients' needs, we have organized normal arhitektura into groups of market-based specialists. Our experience has demonstrated that increased collaboration among a brain trust of market experts leads directly to increased innovation and better projects.
- 4201189030002
- Adresa
- Bjelave 10, Sarajevo, BiH
Najtraženiji poslovni subjekti u posljednjih 90 dana
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KRAJINA AUTO D.O.O. Velika KladušaDetektivska agencija Laufer d.o.o.DIMNJAČAR Zenica (čišćenje, održavanje)Starački dom Mostar - Dom za stare Mostar - Dom za stara lica MostarAuto Škola Sarajevo - Polaganje testova i vozačkog ispitaRAKIĆ doo PelagićevoJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro VogošćaStarački dom Bijeljina - Dom za stare Bijeljina - Dom za stara lica BijeljinaStarački dom Zenica - Dom za stare Zenica - Dom za stara lica ZenicaDETEKTIVSKA AGENCIJA I ZAŠTITA OBJEKATA I LIČNOSTI ALFA DM TravnikStomatoloŠka ordinacija AleksićMEŠAN doo Bihać - Karoserijski dijelovi i auto-staklaStomatološka Ordinacija Sammak dr. MustafaCar Rental - Mietwagen - Iznajmljivanje auta - Rent a Car Banja LukaSARIX dooJ.U. Služba za zapošljavanje Kantona Sarajevo - Biro IlijaŠCentrotours - Putnička-Turistička Agencija MEĐUNARODNI AERODROM SarajevoUdruženje veterana bh rata i odbrane bosanske časti ZenicaLovačka Oprema LOVAC MostarKalea Namještaj Ilijaš
Servisne informacije / korisni i traženi subjekti
Z.U. Specijalistička Pedijatrijska Ambulanta DR. MILIŠIĆ Banja LukaPrivatna Poliklinika MEDICUS TešanjKulturni centar Kralj FahdAutobuska Stanica SARAJEVOAUTOBUSKA STANICA Sanski MostBIRO ZA ZAPOŠLJAVANJE SrebrenikPoliklinika MEDICA z.u.Poljoprivredna Mehanizacija - Traktorski priključciAUTOBUSKA STANICA NevesinjeGLOBTOUR doo Međugorje-ČitlukDOM ZDRAVLJA TravnikAutobuska Stanica BANJA LUKA
DOM ZDRAVLJA LjubuškiLjekarska Ordinacija DR. ŠOVIĆ BijeljinaAUTOBUSKA STANICA - BILETARNICA BrčkoAUTOBUSNA STANICA BihaćZubna ordinacija DR ĆATIĆ BugojnoVETERINARSKA STANICA MostarSTOMATOLOŠKA ORDINACIJA SIMIĆ Banja LukaElektro Servis STATOR szrDOM TRADE D.O.O. Banja LukaDom za Stare i iznemogle VILA-LA-VITA MostarPrecizna Mehanika SENČI - Servis pila i kosilica szr
Administracija - Državna služba i uprava
Advokati - Notari - Pravne i slične usluge
Agencije - Ambasade i konzulati
Arhitektonske usluge - Geodezija
Auto Moto - Auto Škole - Auto klubovi
Autoprevoznici - Tour operatori i agencije
Biotehnologija i farmacija - Apoteke
Consulting - Menadžment i upravljanje
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Domaćinstvo - Namještaj
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Grijanje - Klimatizacija - Izolacija
Hrana i piće - Pekarstvo - Fast Food
Informatika - Elektronika - Računari i oprema
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Socijalne usluge
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Umjetnost - Kultura - Moda i dizajn
Zdravstvo - Klinike - Ordinacije